Interested in Advertising INSIDE the Airport?

Connect travelers with your message in one or more of the great ad locations offered at SPI, including jet bridges, bag claim, main atrium, and corridors. We can help identify the right location for your top audience and will make suggestions for creative ways to help your message stand out.

With more than 150,000 passengers traveling through SPI annually, your message has the potential to reach both local travelers and inbound visitors from around the globe. That translates to nearly 3,000 people every week, or more than 400 per day.

Top employers in the region are a big part of the passenger story at SPI. As the capital city of Illinois, the primary employment sectors include government, healthcare, education, finance, IT and manufacturing.

From traditional backlit displays to digital and interactive options, airport advertising offers unique ways to reach your target audience and fit your advertising budget.

Learn more at Qfactor Airport Advertising