10 Air Travel Health Tips


Air travel is common in the United States, given its vast number of airports. There are more than 19,600 airports in the country, out of which 5,000 are public airports, and more than 14,000 are private airports. Air travel is fun and exciting. Nevertheless, many people experience discomfort or sickness when they fly. Here are ten air travel health tips to keep you healthy and comfortable when traveling.

1. Carry Antibacterial Wipes

Airplanes are cleaned regularly, but it would help to carry antibacterial wipes. Wipe your seat and drop-down table to get rid of any dirt, germs, or bacteria.

2. Drink Enough Water

Drink more water to stay hydrated during your flight. Drink a bottle of water every hour.

3. Have a Healthy Meal

Eat a healthy meal before traveling. Eat food rich in carbohydrates and proteins. The food should be easy to digest. Avoid foods that can cause gas or acid reflux.

4. Eat Travel Healthy Supplements

Taking air travel supplements can also help you stay healthy during air travel. Supplements can overcome travel health issues like fatigue and dehydration.

5. Pack Fruits

Carrying fruits will prevent hunger pangs and strengthen your body during air travel. Apples, bananas, and watermelons are satiating and help with hydration.

6. Drink Less Alcohol

It is not advisable to drink alcohol during air travel. It can cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. Drink water or energy drinks instead.

7. Sleep Close to the Window

Although you can’t have a good sleep on the plane, it is advisable to try to sleep, especially if you’re traveling for more extended hours or at night. Sleep near the window to avoid being distracted by other people passing in the aisle. Carry a neck pillow.

8. Stretch Your Body

Immobility during travel is unhealthy as it can cause deep vein thrombosis. Flex your body to promote blood flowing. It would also help to walk to the restroom.

9. Dress Comfortably

While travel clothing is a personal choice, it is healthier to dress for comfort and protection. Dress in layers to acclimate to different weather conditions and climates easily.

10. Pack a First Aid Kit

Issues like motion sickness, diarrhea, fever, or rashes can affect you during air travel. Prepare for anything that can happen by packing a first aid kit, painkillers, and antidiarrheal.

Following these air travel health tips will help you stay healthy throughout your flight. Safe travels!